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     You are paid a $10 Commission on Standard Subscriptions to our premium service and a
$25 commission per referred sell to our Deluxe subscription service. Everytime
someone you referred visits our site a cookie will be placed on their computer giving you
credit for the referral even if they take an entire year to decide to upgrade and subscribe
to premium service inside the forexflows software.

# of Sells Standard PKG / Monthly Deluxe PKG / Monthly Standard PKG Anual Deluxe PKG Anual
$50 $125 $600 $1,500
$100 $250 $1,200 $3,000
$200 $500 $2,400 $6,000
$500 $1,250 $6,000 $15,000
$1,000 $2,500 $12,000 $30,000

     Commissions are paid via PayPal with in 72 hours or less and you earn residual income from
commissions every time that member renews their subscription.

     We have redone our affilliate program completely now offering $10 per 4 week sell and $25
for the deluxe service with the alerts delivered by SMS to cell phones. this means that
even customers who don't want to be tied to computer can access our service now ( 50M
people surf the net but 300M have SMS enabled cells worldwide ) . Your market is bigger now than ever before.

     We offer exclusive affiliate coaching on the inside of our affilliate area with
exciting ideas to help you explode the profits in your affiliate business with us. We also
offer you special Promotional codes from time to time that our affiliates can use in order
to send exclusive deals out to their prospects. This is another way to guarantee that you
will get commissions for your work and it ads a special benefit and value to being on your
mailing list or a part of your community. Remember that we are still online marketers just
like you so we understand the tools you need to help you really succeed at this business.

     All visitors you refer to our site will receive a cookie that last 1 year to track sales
back to you. Becoming a digital-intuition.com Affiliate is Fast and completely Free and it
takes only a few minutes to sign up!

Become a Forex Flows Affiliate
Becoming a Forex Flows Affiliate only takes a few minutes.
Simply fill out the form below and press the [Submit] button.

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NOTE: Payment Method (you will be paid in this electronic curency in $USD)
Payment Account (your account number for this Payment Method)
e.g. PayPal(Payment Account)=nobody@nowhere.com
Affiliate Password (used with the E-mail address given above, to log-in to your Affiliate Acct.)
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